Thanks for ordering METER! Please complete our order form. For best results use a monospaced font. Payment in US$ preferred, or equivalent in your currency. Please FAX and SIGN your payment by VISA card. ========================================================== To: Zero Divide Software 3 - 5516 Dalhousie Road Vancouver, BC CANADA V6T 1W4 Fax: 604-222-1465 Email: Please find enclosed: [ ] money order [ ] cheque (no overseas banks please) [ ] cash (discreetly wrapped) or [ ] bill to my VISA card #[ ] name on card [ ] expiry date [ ] signature [ ] In payment for (check at least one): [ ] METER Network version US$ 50 + ( $30 x [ ] additional Macs ) = $ [ ] [ ] METER Single-user version US$ 30 + ( $15 x [ ] additional Macs ) = $ [ ] [ ] Disk containing latest version of METER US$ 5 (If the list below is empty or incomplete, open METER and select "Gather" from the Mac menu, then re-copy this invoice. If still incomplete, then copy demo IDs from "About METER..." on all Macs to be licensed, or simply list your Macintosh models.) License IDs are required for the following Macs: